Monuments found in Al-Kharga will give you a glimpse into the wealth, prosperity, and administrative significance that this oasis held throughout Egypt’s history.

Necropolis of al-Bagawat

One of the oldest Christian burial grounds in the world, combining pharaonic and Christian burial practices.

Hibis Temple

The largest and better-preserved temple in Al-Kharga, built over hundreds of years during successive Dynastic, Persian, Ptolemaic, and Roman periods.

Al-Gheweta Temple

Built on top of remains of a pharaonic settlement during the Persian occupation in Al-Kharga.

Temple of Kasr al-Zayan

Built by the Greeks and dedicated to the town god Amun-Hibis.

New Valley Museum

With a collection of artifacts that range from the Prehistoric to the Ottoman era.

Get Active

Visiting the oases of Egypt is all about experiencing and appreciating the surrounding natural heritage, and outdoor activities are the best way to do that. Get to know the land through various activities, such as nature walks, photography excursions, camping, and desert trekking. Hotels and local tour agencies can help you choose and plan your activities depending on your particular interests.

Getting There

The southern oasis of Al-Kharga is easily accessible to travelers. You can reach it by plane (Al-Kharga airport), taxi, or a private car. You might also consider linking your trips to the southern oasis with other destinations, like Luxor for example. You can drive from Luxor to Al-Kharga in five hours Make sure to arrange for transportation with your travel agency before visiting Al-Kharga.


Hidden Gems


Camp in the desert near the area of Umm al-Dabadib and Labakha, ancient Roman fortresses just outside Al-Kharga.


Discover the therapeutic properties of the mineral rich water in Al-Kharga’s natural hot springs.


Visit Dush Temple, an impressive 1st century Roman structure, for stunning views of the surrounding land at sunset.


Taste and buy some delicious dates, a beloved staple in Al-Kharga.