
Known as the largest agricultural governorate in Egypt, as well as the center of Egypt’s reputable Arabian horse breeding programs, Al-Sharqiyya is home to some of Egypt’s most important industries, trade routes, ancient canals, and sites of worship.

Tell Basta

Which is named after its patron deity, the feline goddess Bastet. Today, excavated relics have been curated in a sculpture garden adjacent to the temple grounds. You can also find a colossal statue of Queen Meritamun, the remains of a 12th Dynasty palace and of the Temple of Pepi I, and an ancient well.

The historical city of Tanis (San al-Hagar)

Is possibly the most important archaeological site in the Delta region. Movie buffs might recall that Tanis was the site in which the “lost ark” was found in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. In 1939, during excavations near the Temple of Amun, French archaeologist Pierre Montet unearthed the tombs of 21st and 22nd Dynasty kings. This spectacular find uncovered treasures, including golden funerary masks, silver coffins, sarcophagi, and exquisite jewelry, which can be seen at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.